

The Mount Union大学 currently maintains 途径和衔接协议 with the following institutions 和 academic 程序s. Check back often, as more partnerships are currently being explored.


途径和衔接协议 are formal partnerships between colleges 和 universities that document the schools’ transfer policies for specific academic 程序s, giving students a pre-defined option to further their education.

A typical associate’s degree 程序 at 鲜明的国家 requires completion of 60 credit hours. Mount Union requires a minimum of 120 hours for a bachelor’s degree, so a student with an associate’s degree working toward a bachelor’s degree will have an additional 60 credit hours to complete. Depending upon whether a student attends full- or part-time, a bachelor’s degree could be earned from Mount Union in as little as two years.


  1. 首都大学法学院


  2. 凯斯西储大学


  3. 克利夫兰州立大学


    Mount Union大学和 克利夫兰州立大学 (CSU) have an articulation agreement that will qualify Mount Union 工程  物理 graduates for direct admission into one of seven master’s degree 程序s at CSU.

    Under this agreement, Mount Union students graduating with a cumulative 2.75 grade-point average (GPA) in its Bachelor of Science degrees in 生物医学工程, 土木工程, 电气工程  机械工程 程序s will qualify for the respective master’s degree 程序s at CSU. 以3分毕业的学生.在Mount Union的平均绩点是0 计算机工程 程序 qualify for CSU’s Master of Science degree in computer science 和 its Master of Science degree in software 工程. 

    以3分毕业的Mount Union物理系学生.0 GPA will also qualify for direct admission into any one of the seven applicable master’s degree 程序s at CSU.

  4. 凯霍加社区学院

    Mount Union大学和 凯霍加社区学院 have an articulation agreement for Associate of Applied Science, 文学副学士, 理学副学士, or Associate of Applied Business degree completion by which transfer pathways for bachelor’s degree completion are jointly created 和 approved by both Tri-C 和 Mount Union as they are developed.

  5. 格罗夫城市学院

    Mount Union大学和 格罗夫城市学院 have an articulation agreement for Mount Union's Doctor of Physical Therapy 程序 by which Mount Union will accept all successfully completed pre-requsite courses. 如果学生符合所有的发音标准, the student will receive an invitation to interview at Mount Union. 

  6. 关西Gaidai


  7. 洛雷恩县社区学院

    Mount Union大学和 洛雷恩县社区学院 have an articulation agreement that allows any LCCC student who completes an LCCC associate degree (Associate of Applied Science, 文学副学士, or 理学副学士) guaranteed admission to Mount Union to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Students must meet all Mount Union admission requirements. 进入联合山后, pursuant to the 大学目录, 程序matic h和books, 和 the Student H和book.

    *There are additional admission requirements criteria for the nursing, 音乐, 以及戏剧学位课程*

  8. 东北俄亥俄医科大学



  9. 圣母学院

    Mount Union has established a pathway for 圣母学院 students. 威尼斯人app下载有关 猎鹰呼叫突袭者 程序. 

  10. 俄亥俄北部大学,迪克杰出计划


  11. 搬运学习

    The transfer agreement between Mount Union 和 搬运学习 documents the transferability of 搬运学习 courses 和 their corresponding course equivalencies at Mount Union. 这 provides greater clarity for students who want to transfer their 搬运学习 credits to Mount Union by allowing them to clearly determine how each course will be applied to their 程序 of study. Portage has built Mount Union your very own co-br和ed l和ing page that outlines each of these course equivalencies. 这 has not yet been updated with these addendum changes, but that should occur shortly. 

    登陆页面链接: http://portagelearning.com/partners/mountunion

  12. 鲜明的国家


    反向传输, 反向转让协议 between 鲜明的国家 College (SSC) 和 UMU allows students to transfer credits from UMU to SSC credits 和 apply such credits towards applicable SSC degree requirement. Students must have earned 20-40 non-developmental credit hours at SSC, 并评估他们的学分. 一旦SSC确定满足了所有要求, SSC shall award such students an associate degree from SSC. 

  13. 阿克伦大学法学院


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